Rich’s Delightful Pot Roast
1—2-3lb Roast
3 scoops Your Favorite Simple Salsa Seasoning
1-medium Onion sliced
4-5 Carrots–sliced into 2 inch pieces
2-3 medium Potatoes cubed
3-4 stalks Celery sliced
1- container Cherry Tomatoes whole
2- Cobs Fresh Corn-cut into 3 pieces
1-Cup Fresh Mushrooms
1-15oz can Chicken or Beef Broth
Prepare your roast the day before. Trim as wanted and season with your favorite Simple Salsa Seasoning, Rub seasoning in well on both sides and wrap in saran wrap and place in frig.
Wash and prepare all ingredients as stated above. Pour Broth in large roasting pan, place Roast in center and season Both sides with 1 scoop Simple Salsa. Place all vegetables around roast and season with remaining Simple Salsa. Cover with Heavy Aluminum Foil, air tight.
Let stand to marinate for 45 minutes. Pre-Heat oven to 275-300 degrees. Place pan in oven for
2 1/2 hours, Turn pan around and place back in oven for another 2 1/2 hours or until done.
Be careful when you open the aluminum foil as the steam will burn you. Let rest for 10- minutes and ENJOY!
For more, just increase vegetables as needed.